Archive for the ‘CA 91401 by House Painting Inc’ Category

painted house at Murietta Avenue Van Nuys, CA 91401 by House Painting Inc

Thursday, December 26th, 2013

Lisa Poncino
Murietta Avenue
Van Nuys, CA 91401

Painting – Exterior

Work Completed Date: April 13, 2013

Home Build Year: 1950

I was hating the look of the exterior of my house, so I decided to look into the cost of painting the exterior.
I received 3 estimates, House Painting Inc. was the one I went with.  They are Licensed & Insured,
they started on a Tuesday & Finished early on Saturday.
Great job.

Member Comments:

I had a great experience with House Painting Inc.  James came out and gave me a very fair quote, and
a week later we started painting.  James & his staff did a wonderful job, very clean, detailed and quick.
I really like my house again…!
Thank you James, David & Sebastian, your the best
Lisa P