I did my research and found House Painting Inc to be highly regarded. The day after I called James came to my home and gave me an estimate. He showed my his book of unsolicited letters written to him back in the days before online ratings became popular. One of the letters was from a VP at my employer who is extremely fussy and a true perfectionist. If he liked the work, that was all I needed. My property (plants, window glass, metal window frames, hardscape) were all protected very carefully. There wasn’t a drop of paint where it didn’t belong. Inside the house he stripped wallpaper, patched and painted a small bathroom also. The bathroom was also done with same high level of workmanship. That was over 5 years ago.
2 weeks ago I needed to get an interior ceiling patched and painted really quick. James’ associate Jay, I believe, came out the same day I called and told me he could do the job the next day and gave me a firm price. It was probably a little unusual for him to be able to do the job so quickly but I was grateful his schedule permitted. Same clean, neat, high quality workmanship as the previous job. Highly recommended!