Interior and Exterior House Painting in Eagle Rock
House Painting Inc. has operated as a painting contractor in Eagle Rock, California, since 1980. Our painters have successfully completed hundreds of painting jobs here. Please read actual painting company testimonials from residents in Eagle Rock.
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The proposal was quickly delivered after I asked for it. Of the three providers I asked this was the lowest bid. They could start immediately. Unfortunately I had to wait 2 weeks since I discovered a birds nest. Once the birds had left the crew came out the following Monday. Two workers spent 6.5 days doing the work. Very methodical, very clean, always cleaning up at the end of the day and going beyond the call of duty moving things away from the house walls and helping make small repairs that really weren't part of the scope of work. Very professional and just all around impressive work. I am VERY happy and have no hesitation recommending this company for this type of job.
Wiota St.
Eagle Rock, CA 90041