Tips for Hiring Painting Contractors
House painting jobs often involve extensive preparation, working with hazardous chemicals and painting hard to reach places. Experienced painting contractors have specific tools and paint products that can achieve the best results. To hire a qualified painting contractor, he or she should meet the following criteria:
- Valid contractor license (required by the state of California; a smaller license number indicates that the painting contractor has been in business for a longer time), certification and insurance
- Reasonable assessment of the duration of the project and other details through house painting estimates
- Expert appraisal and consideration of customers' house painting ideas
- Written contract of the work to be completed and house painting costs
- Knowledge of appropriate selections for house painting colors
- Knowledge of proper interior and exterior house painting preparation work
- Experience in painting various surfaces
- Referrals of the house painting company from previous customers
- On-site references to view completed house painting jobs
Tel: 818-249-3878
Tel: 818-790-7102
Tel: 818-888-1857
Tel: 626-350-1578
Tel: 323-730-0544
Tel: 310-477-9667
Tel: 310-540-5005